
Short Term Pain for Long Term Gain: How UHY Consultancy can Support with Efficiencies

UHY Consultancy UK has a high level of experience in delivering cost improvement programmes using PMO techniques. We have a proven track record of success, delivered by working closely with clinical, particularly medical and operational staff, ensuring full engagement and support.

We can also establish monitoring and reporting controls to confirm the achievement of efficiencies, in an easy to understand format for non-finance staff.

All plans are supported by;

  • detailed Project Initiation Documents (PIDs), fully signed off as agreed by Operational and Clinical Directors and finance staff;
  • the potential for operational efficiencies and financial savings by targeting appropriate areas;
  • assessments to ensure ongoing monitoring of efficiency plans, with reporting to Finance committee and Board;
  • involvement of clinical, operational and management staff in identifying potential areas of efficiency;
  • carrying out of Quality Impact Assessments to ensure areas of concern are identified at the start of the plan and throughout the progression and delivery of savings.
See our fact sheet for further information and contact us if we can assist you with your efficiency requirements.

Fact sheet

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UHYC Efficiency
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